Friday, January 1, 2010

first stab at portraiture

This semester we didn't study portraiture for long. Our professor did a 3 hour demonstration, then we spent the next class session doing one ourselves, and then did a self-portrait for an out of class assignment. All in all, we probably spent about a week doing portraits--so not much time at all.

During our in-class painting session we were told to just paint and try to get as much done as possible in the 2 1/2 hours we had. AHH!

I was so nervous doing it and kept feeling so pressed for time--but I think that actually helped me.

I not only had to see quicker but also was forced to make more instinctual decisions about what colors to use, what marks to make, etc.

In the end, the painting didn't quite look like the model...
but, it got me excited--excited to paint more people, & excited to try to quicken the pace I work at.

So, here it is: my half-done painting

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